The Bride Files: Choosing Your Makeup Artist

Even though Manasa’s epic South Indian wedding celebration was two and a half years ago, it lives on in the minds of its guests as one of the most mind-blowingly incredible events we have ever witnessed, and is responsible for ruining all subsequent weddings for us for a good while. We seriously thought we, and the hundreds of other jubilant guests, might explode with happiness.

Couples can often be dwarfed by large desi weddings and the events can easily spiral into a disorganized mess (raise your hand if you’ve been to a wedding where dinner was served at 11PM) but Manasa’s was magnificently orchestrated from start to finish, and if there was even a shred of stress or anxiety, you’d never know it. She was the picture of grace, glowing with happiness and comfortable in her skin despite all the attention.

The focus remained on the couple in no small part because of her demeanor, but was also probably aided by the fact that she looked like a million bucks. Though Manasa is stunning to begin with, she was positively enchanting throughout her wedding, whether performing sacred rites during the traditional ceremony or tearing up the dance floor at the reception. We recently had the opportunity to chat with her about her experience. Read on for her advice. Continue reading

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