Reviewed: Eve Lom Cleanser

Reviewed by Maleeha

After seeing skincare guru Eve Lom‘s eponymous line touted in countless magazines as the secret weapon of many a Fashion editrix (Vogue once named it “the #1 cleanser in the world”), I decided to give it a try. It took some getting used to, as I’d never used an oil-based cleanser before, and it involved a rather lengthy process that entailed:

1. Smearing a greasy substance resembling petroleum jelly on my face

2. Running a muslin washcloth (provided) through hot water, wringing, and pressing to my face to steam for 5 seconds, and repeating 2x

3. Running cloth through warm water, wringing, and using it to remove aforementioned greasy substance from my face in gentle, circular motions to exfoliate

4. Repeating step 2 1x with cold water

Sound exhausting? It did to me, until I discovered that it actually made my skin feel fantastic. Call me crazy, but over a year later, I won’t use anything else. Here’s why: Continue reading

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